
Type Definitions


ODBC specific extension of the Manager~ConnectionOptions from the sqler module.

Name Type Description
driverOptions Object

The odbc module specific options.

Name Type Attributes Description
connection Object

An object that will contain properties/values that will be used to construct the ODBC connection string. For example, { UID: 'someUsername', PWD: 'somePassword' } would generate UID=someUsername;PWD=somePassword. When a property value is a string surrounded by ${}, it will be assumed to be a property that resides on either the Manager~PrivateOptions passed into the Manager constructor or a property on the OdbcConnectionOptions itself (in that order of precedence). For example, connOpts.service = 'SomeDSN' and driverOptions.connection.DSN = '${service}' would be interpolated into driverOptions.connection.DSN = 'SomeDSN'. In contrast to privOpts.username = 'someUsername' and driverOptions.connection.UID = '${username}'would be interpolated intodriverOptions.connection.UID = 'someUsername'. Both of which would ultimately become the ODBC connection string DSN=SomeDSN;UID=someUsername. Interpoaltions can also contain more than one reference. For example, driverOptions.connection.Server = '${protocol}:${host},${port}'for privOpts = { protocol: 'TCP', host: '', port: 5400 }would,5400` in the connection string

pool Object <optional>

The pool conf options that will be passed into odbc.pool(conf). Using any of the generic pool.someOption will override the conf options set on driverOptions.pool (e.g. pool.max = 10 would override driverOptions.pool.maxSize = 20). When a value is a string surrounded by ${}, it will be assumed to be a constant property that resides on the odbc module and will be interpolated accordingly. For example driverOptions.pool.someProp = '${ODBC_CONSTANT}' will be interpolated as pool.someProp = odbc.ODBC_CONSTANT.

  • Manager~ConnectionOptions


ODBC specific extension of the Manager~ExecOptions from the sqler module. When a property of binds contains an object it will be interpolated for property values on the odbc module. For example, = '${ODBC_CONSTANT}' will be interpolated as = odbc.ODBC_CONSTANT.

Name Type Attributes Description
driverOptions Object <optional>

The odbc module specific options.

Name Type Attributes Description
exec Object <optional>

The options passed into various odbc functions during Manager.exec. When a value is a string surrounded by ${}, it will be assumed to be a constant property that resides on the odbc module and will be interpolated accordingly. For example driverOptions.exec.isolationLevel = '${SQL_TXN_READ_UNCOMMITTED}' will be interpolated as driverOptions.exec.isolationLevel = odbc.SQL_TXN_READ_UNCOMMITTED.

Name Type Attributes Description
isolationLevel Integer <optional>

The isolation level to set on the ODBC connection. Ignored when opts.type === 'READ' and opts.transactionId is ommitted.

  • Manager~ExecOptions

1.2.1 (2020-06-12)

Full Changelog
