
🔧 The Manager

The Manager is the entry point for one or more databases/connections. The manager basically consolidates each database connection(s) into a single API. One of the major advantages to this simplistic approach is that service calls from javascript to SQL and back can have no vendor-specific references. That translates into a clean seperation of concerns between the two, allowing SQL changes (or even database swapping) to be made without changing any javascript. In contrast to typical ORM solutions, optimations can be applied directly to the SQL scripts, eliminates javascript edits as SQL scripts evolve, removes the need to generate entity definitions and reduces the complexity of the supporting API (thus making it easier to implement and support additional database vendors/drivers).


⚙️ Setup & Configuration :

There are two types of configuration, public and private. Public configurations contain one or more connections that will be established during initialization and typically vary depending upon the environment being used (e.g. development, test, ci, production, etc.). See the manager.connections in the database manager constructor for a complete listing of public configuration options. Private or universal (univ) configuration, on the other hand, is intended to carry sensitive information like connection credentials. Each public connection should contain a conf.db.connections[].id that matches a property name in the private configuration conf.univ.db . Both public and private configurations are combined when passed into the Manager, but shoud be loaded from separate sources. The following example illustrates this using a matching myId:

-- db/finance/read.ap.companies.sql
SELECT CO.COMPANY AS "company", CO.R_NAME AS "name", CO.PAY_GROUP AS "payGroup", CO.TAX_ACCOUNT AS "taxAccount", CO.TAX_ACCT_UNIT AS "taxAcctUnit",
// replace xxxx with one of the prexisiting vendor implementations
// or roll your own Dialect
const dialect = 'xxxx', dialectModule = `sqler-${dialect}`;
const { Manager } = require('sqler');
const conf = {
  "univ": {
    "db": {
      "myId": {
        "host": "",
        "username": "myusername",
        "password": "mypassword"
  "db": {
    "dialects": {
      [dialect]: dialectModule
    "connections": [
        "id": "myId",
        "name": "fin",
        "dir": "db/finance",
        "service": "MYSRV",
        // global bind variables for all SQLs on connection
        "binds": {
          "blankDate": "01-jan-1700",
          "dateFormat": "yyyy-mm-dd\"T\"hh24:mi:ss.ff3\"Z\""
        "sql": {
          "dialect": dialect
const mgr = new Manager(conf);
// initialize connections and set SQL functions
await mgr.init();

console.log('Manager is ready for use');

// execute the SQL source and capture the results
const rslts = await{ binds: { invoiceAudit: 'Y' } });

// after we're done using the manager we should close it
process.on('SIGINT', async function sigintDB() {
  await mrg.close();
  console.log('Manager has been closed');

Each conf.db.dialect property should contain all of the Dialect vendor/driver implmentations used by the manager and can be set to either an extending Dialect class or a path to an extended Dialect module. Many Dialects have already been implemented in separate modules that listed in the The prior example calls mgr.db.fin.ap.list.companies() that uses the conf.db.connections[].name = "fin" as the property namespace under db on the manager instance.

💡 TIP: Thrown errors from SQL execution will contain a property called sqler that will contain more descriptive error details pertaining to the SQL error.

🗃️ SQL Files :

Every SQL file used by sqler should be organized in a directory under the directory assigned to conf.mainPath (defaults to process.main or process.cwd()). Each subdirectory used should be unique to an individual conf.db.connections[].name (default) or conf.db.connections[].dir. When the Manager is initialized (i.e. Manager.init) the directory is scanned for files with an .sql extension and generates an Prepared Function for each file that is found. Each generated SQL function will be accessible as a property path of the manager. For instance, a mainPath of /some/sql/path and a connection with a conf.db.connections[].name of conn1 would look for SQL files under /some/sql/path/conn1. If conf.db.connections[].dir was set to otherDir then SQL files would be prepared from some/sql/path/otherDir instead. In either case the generated prepared SQL function would be accessible via, assuming that read.something.sql resides in the forementioned directory path. To better visualize path computation, consider the following directory structure and the configuration from the previous example:

+ -- db
|    + -- finance
|    |    + -- ap
|    |    |    + -- delete.audits.sql
|    |    |    + -- update.audits.sql
|    |    + -- ar
|    |    |    + -- delete.audits.sql
|    |    |    + -- update.audits.sql
|    |    + --
|    |    + --

The subsequent SQL prepared functions would be gernerated on the manager instance:

  • mgr.db.fin.ap.delete.audits()
  • mgr.db.fin.ap.update.audits()

Functions are always added to the db object within the manager instance. There are two ways to indicate the type of SQL execution that is being performed:

  • An SQL file name can be prefixed with the CRUD operation that is being performed (i.e. create, read, update or delete)
  • A CRUD operation can be passed into the generated SQL function using the type option

Defining the type of CRUD operation helps assist implementing Dialect to determine any supplemental processing that may need to take place (like transactional state).

Most RDMS drivers support bind variables in some form or fashion. The most common of which is the typical syntax commonly associated with unamed or named bind parameters within an SQL source. However, sqler provides a few substitutional encapsulators that help with SQL function composition. Each SQL file can define multiple encapsulators that indicates what portions of an SQL source will be present before execution takes place. Substitutions use an openening [[ and closing ]] that can also be optionally prefixed with a SQL line comment --[[. The following sections discuss the differnt type of substitutions in more detail.

The order of precedence in which substitutions are made:

  1. Raw Substitutions - Set when an SQL file is read/cached
  2. Expanded SQL Substitutions - Set during prepared function execution
  3. Dialect Substitutions - Set during prepared function execution
  4. Version Susbstitutions - Set during prepared function execution
  5. Fragment Substitutions - Set during prepared function execution

1️⃣ Expanded SQL Substitutions :

Depending on the underlying dialect support, named parameters typically follow some form of syntactic grammar like :someParam, where someParam is a parameter passed in to the sqler generated SQL function as the bind variables. There may be instances where any number of variables need to be substituded when an SQL function is executed, but the actual number of variables is unknown at the time the SQL script is written. This can be accomplished in sqler by simply adding a single variable to the SQL bind variables and passing them into the prepared function. For instance, passing the following bind variables JSON into the sqler generated SQL function:

bind variables:

  "someParam": ["one","two","three"]


WHERE SOME_COL IN (:someParam)

Would result in the following parameters and SQL execution

bind variables passed into the driver used by the implementing Dialect:

  "someParam": "one",
  "someParam1": "two",
  "someParam2": "three"

read.some.query.sql ---> read.some.query({ binds })

WHERE SOME_COL IN (:someParam, :someParam1, :someParam2)

🆚 Expansions can also use conjunctive AND or OR instead of the previous comma separated expansions.

  "someParam": ["one","two","three"]



Would result in the following parameters and SQL execution

bind variables passed into the driver used by the implementing Dialect:

  "someParam": "one",
  "someParam1": "two",
  "someParam2": "three"

read.some.query.sql ---> read.some.query({ binds })


The normal driver driven variable substitutions would then be handled/applied external to sqler.

2️⃣ Fragment Substitutions :

The second type of replacement involves SQL script segments that are fragmented by use case. An example would be where only a portion of the SQL script will be included when frags is passed into the generated SQL function that matches a key found in the SQL script that's surrounded by an open (e.g. [[? someKey]]) and closing (i.e. [[?]]) fragment definition. For instance if frags is passed into a managed SQL function that contains ['someKey'] for a SQL script:

[[? someKey]] AND SOME_COL2 IS NOT NULL [[?]]

the resulting SQL script will become:


When frags is omitted or frags contains an array that does not contain a somekey value, then the resulting SQL script would become:


NOTE: Fragment substitutions cannot be nested

3️⃣ Dialect Substitutions :

A third type of replacement is dialect specific and allows for SQL files that, for the most part are ANSI compliant, but may have slight deviations in syntax that's specific to an individual database vendor. SQL files can coexist between database vendors, but segments of the SQL script will only be included when executed under a database within a defined dialect. An example would be the use of SUBSTR in Oracle versus the ANSI* use of SUBSTRING. A SQL file may contain:

[[! oracle]]
[[! mssql]]

If an oracle dialect were to be used the resulting SQL would become:


If a mssql dialect were to be used the resulting SQL would become:


NOTE: Dialect substitutions cannot be nested

4️⃣ Version Susbstitutions :

Sometimes programs connect to DBs that are shared accross one or more applications. Some portions of a program may need to execute SQL scripts that are similar in nature, but have some versioning discrepancies between database instances. Say we have a database instance for an up-and-coming version that has some modifications made to it's structure, but is not enough to warrent two separate copies of the same SQL script file. It may make more sense to maintain one copy of a SQL file and account for the discrepancies within the SQL file. We can do so by encapsulating the SQL segment by surrounding it with an opening [[version = 1]] and closing [[version]] key (valid version quantifiers can be =, <, >, <=, >= or <>). So, if there were a SQL file that contained:

[[version <= 1]]
[[version > 1]]

When the sqler managed connection configuration contained version with a value of 1 (or any value less than one) then the resulting SQL would become:


Likewise, a version of 1.5 would result in the following SQL:


NOTE: Version substitutions cannot be nested

5️⃣ Raw Susbstitutions :

There are some occasions where substitutions need to be made directly on the SQL unconditionally. One such case would be environmental conditions that may warrant the use of raw substitutions. Lets consider a scenario where a SQL file contains a schema that is differnt for a production environment than it is in a test environment since they occupy the same tablespace. Assuming the SQL is referencing a schema that is not the the default schema where it can be ommitted from the SQL altogether, there would be some challanges to overcome to achieve consistecy in a single SQL file. The subsequent example illustrates how this can be accomplished via the Manager constructor conf.db.connections[].substitutes:

Test environment configuration:

  // other config here
  "db": {
    // other config here
    "connections": [
        // other config here
        "substitutes": {
          "SOME_DB": "SOME_DB_TEST"

When the sqler managed connection configuration contained the previously defined conf.db.connections[].substitutes the resulting SQL would become:


🎬 Transactions :

Transactions are managed by Dialect.beginTransaction and are accessible via await manager.db[myConnectionName].beginTransaction(). Each call to beginTransaction accepts an optional Transaction Options argument and returns a unique Transaction with an ID that can be passed as the transactionId option in subsequent Prepared Function calls. Generated transaction IDs helps to isolate executions to a single open connection in order to prevent inadvertently making changes on database connections used by other transactions that may also be in progress. Amoung other properties, each Transaction contains the following functions used to finalize a transaction:

  • commit - Commits any pending changes from one or more previously invoked SQL script (pass true to release the connection back into the pool indicating that the transaction is complete)
  • rollback - Rolls back any pending changes from one or more previously invoked SQL script (pass true to release the connection back into the pool indicating that the transaction is complete)

Calling the the forementioned commit is not always necessary since there are a few different techniques for handling transactions. The simplest form is when executing a single SQL script where the default setting is used for autoCommit = true.

// autoCommit = true is the default
const coOpts = {
 binds: {
   id: 123,
   name: 'Company 1'

// begins/commits a transaction in a
// single step (i.e. autoCommit = true)
const exec1 = await;

Lets say there are multiple SQL scripts that need to be included in a single transaction. To do so, the autoCommit flag can be set to true on the last transaction being executed. Also, to ensure every SQL script that is executed be performed within the same transaction scope, a transactionId should be set to the same value for every SQL execution that needs to be included within the same transaction. Calling const tx = await manager.db.myConnectionName.beginTransaction() will generate/return a transaction that contains a unique id that can be passed into each prepared function options.

// autCommit = false requires a transaction to be set
const coOpts = {
  autoCommit: false,
  binds: {
    id: 123,
    name: 'Company 1'
// autCommit = true will cause the transaction to be
// automatically committed after execution
const acctOpts = {
  autoCommit: true,
  binds: {
    id: 456,
    name: 'Account 1'

let tx;
try {
  // start a transaction
  tx = await mgr.db.fin.beginTransaction();

  // set the transaction ID on the execution options
  // so the company/account SQL execution is invoked
  // within the same transaction scope
  coOpts.transactionId =;
  acctOpts.transactionId =;

  // execute within a transaction scope
  // (i.e. autoCommit = false and transactionId =
  const exc1 = await;

  // execute within the same transaction scope
  // and commit after the satement has executed
  // (i.e. autoCommit = true and transactionId =
  const exc2 = await mgr.db.fin.create.ap.account(acctOpts);
} catch (err) {
  if (tx) {
    // use the transaction to rollback the changes
    await tx.rollback(true);
  throw err;

We could of explicity called commit instead of setting autoCommit to true on the final SQL script execution:

// autCommit = false will cause a transaction to be started
const coOpts = {
  autoCommit: false,
  binds: {
    id: 123,
    name: 'Company 1'
// autCommit = false will cause a transaction to be continued
const acctOpts = {
  autoCommit: false,
  binds: {
    id: 456,
    name: 'Account 1'

let tx;
try {
  // start a transaction
  tx = await mgr.db.fin.beginTransaction();

  // set the transaction ID on the execution options
  // so the company/account SQL execution is invoked
  // within the same transaction scope
  coOpts.transactionId =;
  acctOpts.transactionId =;

  // execute within the a transaction scope
  // (i.e. autoCommit = false and transactionId =
  const exc1 = await;

  // execute within the same transaction scope
  // (i.e. autoCommit = false and transactionId =
  const exc2 = await mgr.db.fin.create.ap.account(acctOpts);

  // use the transaction to commit the changes
  await tx.commit(true);
} catch (err) {
  if (tx) {
    // use the transaction to rollback the changes
    await tx.rollback(true);
  throw err;

The previous transaction examples execute the SQL script in series, but they can also be executed in parallel. However, doing so requires that all the SQL executions use the same transaction and that autoCommit is set to false since executing in parallel does not guarantee the order in which the SQL scripts are executed.

// autCommit = false will cause a transaction to be started
const coOpts = {
  autoCommit: false,
  binds: {
    id: 123,
    name: 'Company 1'
// autCommit = false will cause a transaction to be continued
const acctOpts = {
  autoCommit: false,
  binds: {
    id: 456,
    name: 'Account 1'

let tx;
try {
  // start a transaction
  tx = await mgr.db.fin.beginTransaction();

  // set the transaction ID on the execution options
  // so the company/account SQL execution is invoked
  // within the same transaction scope
  coOpts.transactionId =;
  acctOpts.transactionId =;

  // execute within the same transaction scope
  // (i.e. autoCommit = false and transactionId =
  const coProm =;

  // execute within the same transaction scope
  // (i.e. autoCommit = false and transactionId =
  const acctProm = mgr.db.fin.create.ap.account(acctOpts);

  // wait for the parallel executions to complete
  const exc1 = await coProm;
  const exc2 = await acctProm;

  // use the transaction to commit the changes
  await tx.commit(true);
} catch (err) {
  if (tx) {
    // use the transaction to rollback the changes
    await tx.rollback(true);
  throw err;

It's imperative that commit or rollback be called when using beginTransaction() and autoCommit = false option is set within a transaction since the underlying connection is typically left open until one of those functions are invoked. Not doing so could quickly starve available connections! It's also equally important not to have more transactions in progress than what is available in the connection pool that is being used by the underlying dialect.

🍽️ Prepared Statements

Prepared statements may optimize SQL execution when invoking the same SQL script multiple times. When bind parameters are used, different values can also be passed into the prepared function.

In sqler, prepared statements are handled internally via a chosen Dialect vendor implementation. Only the prepareStatement = true flag needs to be set to indicate the underlying SQL script should be executed within a dedicated request and/or connection from the pool. Once all of the SQL invokations are complete a call to unprepare from the execution result will ensure the statement/connection is closed.

Lets consider the following examples:

// prepareStatemnt = true will create a prepared statement
const coOpts1 = {
  prepareStatemnt: true,
  binds: {
    id: 1,
    name: 'Company 1'
// prepareStatemnt = true will use the in-progress prepared statement
const coOpts2 = {
  prepareStatemnt: true,
  binds: {
    id: 2,
    name: 'Company 2'

let exc1, exc2;
try {
  // prpare statement and execute the SQL script
  // (i.e. prepareStatement = true)
  const coProm1 =;
  const coProm2 =;

  // wait for the parallel executions to complete
  exc1 = await coProm1;
  exc2 = await coProm2;
} finally {
  if (exc1) {
    // can call either exc1.unprepare() or exc2.unprepare()
    await exc1.unprepare();

Prepared statements can also be contained within a transaction. When doing so, calls to commit or rollback on the transaction will implicitly call unprepare for each execution result that used the same transaction on the execution options that is passed into the prepared function.

// autCommit = false will cause a transaction to be started
// prepareStatemnt = true will create a prepared statement
const coOpts1 = {
  autoCommit: false,
  prepareStatemnt: true,
  binds: {
    id: 1,
    name: 'Company 1'
// autCommit = false will cause a transaction to be continued
// prepareStatemnt = true will use the in-progress prepared statement
const coOpts2 = {
  autoCommit: false,
  prepareStatemnt: true,
  binds: {
    id: 2,
    name: 'Company 2'

let tx;
try {
  // start a transaction
  tx = await mgr.db.fin.beginTransaction();

  // set the transaction ID on the execution options
  // so the company/account SQL execution is invoked
  // within the same transaction scope
  coOpts1.transactionId =;
  coOpts2.transactionId =;

  // execute within the same transaction scope
  // (i.e. autoCommit === false, transactionId =, prepareStatement = true)
  const coProm1 =;
  const coProm2 = mgr.db.fin.create.ap.account(coOpts2);

  // wait for the parallel executions to complete
  const exc1 = await coProm1;
  const exc2 = await coProm2;

  // use the transaction to commit the changes
  // (commit will implicitly invoke unprepare)
  await tx.commit(true);
} catch (err) {
  if (tx) {
    // use the transaction to commit the changes
    // (rollback will implicitly invoke unprepare)
    await tx.rollback(true);
  throw err;

It's imperative that unprepare (or commit/rollback when using a transaction) is called when using prepareStatement = true is set since the underlying connection is typically left open until the unprepare function is invoked. Not doing so could quickly starve available connections! It's also equally important not to have more active prepared statements in progress than what is available in the connection pool that is being used by the underlying dialect.

💧 Read/Write Streams :

Streaming is a useful technique for reading/writting a large number of records and is very similar to normal reads/writes using the stream option. The value set on will indicate to the underlying database dialect that the desired batch size for executions should match that of the stream value. Just keep in mind that there is a balance between the batch size stored in memory that accumulates until the stream threshold is met, and the total number of executions for all batches. So, it's a good practice to use smaller stream batch values to keep a smaller memory footprint. But, large enough that minimize round trips to the dialect backend.

During read or write streaming, it's possible to capture the the data that is being read or written for a given stream batch. Simply, listen for the typedefs.EVENT_STREAM_BATCH event on the desired readable or writable stream returned by the execution (see example below). The array of batch values should reflect either the read records or results of the written executions (e.g. like rows affected). In addition to the read and write events for the stream and dialect driver (if any), there are a few additional sqler specific events that are typically emitted:

  • typedefs.EVENT_STREAM_BATCH - Emitted for each batch of read data Object[] for a stream.Readable or write binds Object[] for a stream.Writable.
  • typedefs.EVENT_STREAM_COMMIT - Emitted when a read or write stream has committed a transaction. Typically, this will occur when autoCommit = true and transactionId has been set to a valid transaction ID.
  • typedefs.EVENT_STREAM_ROLLBACK - Emitted when a read or write stream has rolledback a transaction. Typically, this will occur when an error has been emitted on the stream and transactionId has been set to a valid transaction ID.
  • typedefs.EVENT_STREAM_RELEASE - Emitted when a read or write stream has released or closed it's connection.

Example reads:

const typedefs = require('sqler/typedefs');

// tell sqler to return stream.Readable
// stream can be >= 0 to indicate streaming
const rslts = await{ stream: 0 });
// rows are one or more stream.Readable
for (let readStream of rslts.rows) {
  // not required, but we can listen to when the connection for the stream
  // has been release or closed
  readStream.on(typedefs.EVENT_STREAM_RELEASE, () => {
    console.log('My read stream connection has been released');
  // aync iterate over the stream.Readable to capture the rows
  for await (const row of readStream) {
    console.log('My read row', row);

Example writes:

const typedefs = require('sqler/typedefs');
const Stream = require('stream');
// node >= v16 :
// const { pipeline } = require('stream/promises');
// node < 16 :
const Util = require('util');
const pipeline = Util.promisify(Stream.pipeline);

// tell sqler to return stream.Writable
// stream can be >= 0 to indicate sreaming
// with a count > 0, increments of that size will be emitted via event
const rslts = await mgr.db.myconn.update.something({ stream: 100 });
// rows are one or more stream.Writable
for (let writeStream of rslts.rows) {
  // not required, but we can listen to when the connection for the stream
  // has been release or closed
  writeStream.on(typedefs.EVENT_STREAM_RELEASE, () => {
    console.log('My write stream connection has been released');
  // not required, but we can listen to when batches have been written
  writeStream.on(typedefs.EVENT_STREAM_WRITTEN_BATCH, async (bindsArray) => {
    console.log('Every 100 batched results array:', bindsArray);
  await pipeline(
    Stream.Readable.from(async function* reads() {
      for (let i = 0; i < 10000 /* lets generates some records */; i++) {
        yield { myField: i };

Streams can also be used in conjunction with prepared statements and/or transactions.

const typedefs = require('sqler/typedefs');
const Stream = require('stream');
// node >= v16 :
// const { pipeline } = require('stream/promises');
// node < 16 :
const Util = require('util');
const pipeline = Util.promisify(Stream.pipeline);

let tx;
try {
  // start a transaction
  tx = await mgr.db.myconn.beginTransaction();

  // transaction, prepared statement and write stream options
  const execOpts = {
    stream: 100, // stream batch count is for streaming, not the transaction!
    autoCommit: false, // transaction will be committed manually
    transactionId:, // use the started transaction
    prepareStatemnt: true // generate a prepared statement

  const rslts = await mgr.db.myconn.update.something(execOpts);
  // rows are one or more stream.Writable
  for (let writeStream of rslts.rows) {
    // not required, but we can listen to when has been prepared
    writeStream.on(typedefs.EVENT_STREAM_STATEMENT_PREPARED, async () => {
      console.log('Prepared statement has been prepared');
    // not required, but we can listen to when has been unprepared
    writeStream.on(typedefs.EVENT_STREAM_STATEMENT_UNPREPARED, async () => {
      console.log('Prepared statement has been unprepared');
    // not required, but we can listen to when batches have been written
    writeStream.on(typedefs.EVENT_STREAM_WRITTEN_BATCH, async (rsltsArray) => {
      console.log('Every 100 batched results array:', rsltsArray);
    await pipeline(
      Stream.Readable.from(async function* reads() {
        for (let i = 0; i < 10000 /* lets generates some records */; i++) {
          yield { myField: i };
      // example transform that adds a timestamp to every record to be written
      async function* transformStringify(chunksAsync) {
        for await (const chunk of chunksAsync) {
          chunk.myDate = new Date();
          yield chunk;

  // other executions can be performed within the same transaction
  const coProm2 = mgr.db.myconn.create.something({
    autoCommit: false, // transaction will be committed manually
    transactionId:, // use the same transaction
    binds: { id: 'some_id' }

  // use the transaction to commit the changes
  // (commit will implicitly invoke unprepare)
  await tx.commit(true);
} catch (err) {
  if (tx) {
    // use the transaction to commit the changes
    // (rollback will implicitly invoke unprepare)
    await tx.rollback(true);
  throw err;

NOTE : Read streams expect objectMode = true. Write streams expect objectMode = true.

🗄️ Caching SQL :

By default all SQL files are read once during Manager.init, but there are other options for controlling the frequency of the SQL file reads by passing a cache container (see example) into the Manager constructor or by calling Manager.setCache.

Since sqler expects SQL files to be defined prior to initialization, there are several techniques that can be used to produce and maintain evolving SQL statements:

  1. Add/generate SQL files before Manager.init
  2. Add/generate SQL files, then add the connection for them later using Manager.addConnection

If using any of the forementioned strategies isn't enough, SQL files can be changed and either the SQL key can be dropped from the cache or the entire cache can be removed (and alternately set back):

// see SQLERCache for setting up a cache
const mgr = new Manager(conf, cache);
await mgr.init();
// ... make some changes to the SQL files here

// ===== Option 1 =====
// drop the key from the cache for the SQL file
// being changed
const key = await mgr.getCacheKey('/absolute/path/to/sql/file.sql', 'myConnName');

// ===== Option 2 =====
// clear the entire cache so that all SQL
// files will be read on the next execution
await mgr.setCache(null, 'myConnName');
// set the cache back?
await mgr.setCache(cache, 'myConnName');

9.0.0 (2021-08-18)

Full Changelog

Breaking Changes:
