
'use strict';

const Dialect = require('./lib/dialect');
const SQLS = require('./lib/sqls');
const DBS = require('./lib/dbs');
const Utils = require('./lib/utils');
const typedefs = require('./typedefs');

const Asynchro = require('asynchro');
const Path = require('path');

 * The database(s) manager entry point that autogenerates/manages SQL execution functions from underlying SQL statement files.
 * Vendor-specific implementations should implement {@link typedefs.Dialect} and pass the class or module path into the constructor as `conf.db.dialects.myDialectClassOrModulePath`.
 * See [](index.html) for more details about SQL related features.
 * A manager will contain the following properties:
 * - `db` - The database accessible object where all of the constructed connections reside. For example
 * - `db.<CONN_NAME>` - There will be a property assigned for each database connection configured during construction. For example, when _<CONN_NAME>_ is _myConn_, the
 * manager instance will be accessible via _manager.db.myConn_.
 * - `db.<CONN_NAME>.<PREPARED_FUNC_PATHS>` The generated SQL executable {@link typedefs.SQLERPreparedFunction}(s). Assuming a _<CONN_NAME>_ of _myConn_ and a path of
 * _/db/myConn/, the accessible {@link typedefs.SQLERPreparedFunction} may be accessible via
 * - `db.<CONN_NAME>.beginTransaction` - A function that accepts a single {@link typedefs.SQLERTransactionOptions} that begins a transaction for a given database connection pool.
class Manager {

  * Creates a new database manager. Vendor-specific implementations should have constructors that accept properties defined by {@link typedefs.Dialect}.
  * @param {typedefs.SQLERConfigurationOptions} conf The configuration options
  * @param {typedefs.SQLERCache} [cache] the {@link typedefs.SQLERCache} __like__ instance that will handle the logevity of the SQL statement before the SQL statement is re-read from the SQL file
  * @param {(Function | Boolean)} [logging] the `function(dbNames)` that will return a name/dialect specific `function(obj1OrMsg [, obj2OrSubst1, ..., obj2OrSubstN]))` that will handle database logging.
  * Pass `true` to use the console. Omit to disable logging altogether.
  constructor(conf, cache, logging) {
    if (!conf) throw new Error('Database configuration is required');
    if (!conf.db || !conf.db.dialects) throw new Error('Database configuration.db.dialects are required');
    if (!conf.univ || !conf.univ.db || !Object.keys(conf.univ.db).length) throw new Error('Database configuration.univ.db properties are required');
    if (!Array.isArray(conf.db.connections) || !conf.db.connections.length) throw new Error('Database configuration.db.connections must contain at least one connection');
    const connCnt = conf.db.connections.length;
    const mgr = internal(this);
    /** @type {typedefs.SQLERTrack} */ = {};
    Object.defineProperty(, 'interpolate', {
      value: Utils.interpolate,
      writable: false
    Object.defineProperty(, 'positionalBinds', {
      value: Utils.positionalBinds,
      writable: false
    Object.defineProperty(, 'bindExpansions', {
      value: Utils.bindExpansions,
      writable: false
    Object.defineProperty(, 'readable', {
      value: Utils.readable,
      writable: false
    Object.defineProperty(, 'writable', {
      value: Utils.writable,
      writable: false
    mgr.this[typedefs.NS] = {}; = conf.debug; = conf.univ.db; = conf.db.dialects; = conf.mainPath || (require.main && require.main.filename.replace(/([^\\\/]*)$/, '')) || process.cwd(); = conf.privatePath || process.cwd(); = new Array(connCnt); = logging === true ? Utils.generateLogger(console.error, [typedefs.MOD_KEY, 'db', 'error']) : logging && logging([typedefs.MOD_KEY, 'db', 'error']); = logging === true ? Utils.generateLogger(console.log, [typedefs.MOD_KEY, 'db']) : logging && logging([typedefs.MOD_KEY, 'db']); = new Array(connCnt);
    //const reserved = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Manager.prototype);
    for (let i = 0; i < connCnt; ++i) {
      addConnectionToManager(mgr, conf.db.connections[i], i, cache, logging);

   * Adds a connection configuration to the manager and initializes the database connection
   * @param {typedefs.SQLERConnectionOptions} conn The connection options that will be added to the manager
   * @param {typedefs.SQLERPrivateOptions} [priv] The private options that contain the connection credentials that should match `priv[]`. When omitted, an attempt to use the private options passed
   * into the constructor to make a `privPassedIntoConstructor[]` match.
   * @param {typedefs.SQLERCache} [cache] the {@link typedefs.SQLERCache} __like__ instance that will handle the logevity of the SQL statement before the SQL statement is re-read from the SQL file
   * @param {(Function | Boolean)} [logging] the `function(dbNames)` that will return a name/dialect specific `function(obj1OrMsg [, obj2OrSubst1, ..., obj2OrSubstN]))` that will handle database logging.
   * Pass `true` to use the console. Omit to disable logging altogether.
   * @param {Boolean} [returnErrors] Truthy to return errors, otherwise, any encountered errors will be thrown
   * @returns {typedefs.SQLEROperationResults} The results, each `result[connectionName]` containing the _truthy_ result from the dialect initialization for the given connection (or the errors when return
   * errors flag is set)
  async addConnection(conn, priv, cache, logging, returnErrors) {
    const mgr = internal(this);
    addConnectionToManager(mgr, conn, null, cache, logging, priv);
    /** @type {typedefs.SQLEROperationResults} */
    const rslt = await operation(mgr, 'init', { returnErrors });
    if (returnErrors && rslt.errors && rslt.errors.length) {
      if ( {`Failed to initialize connection ID ${} for ${} database`, ...errors);
    } else if ( {`Connection ID ${} for ${} database is ready for use`);
    return rslt;

   * Initializes the configured database connections
   * @param {Boolean} [returnErrors] Truthy to return errors, otherwise, any encountered errors will be thrown
   * @returns {typedefs.SQLEROperationResults} The results, each `result[connectionName]` containing the _truthy_ result from the dialect initialization for the given connection (or the errors when return
   * errors flag is set)
  async init(returnErrors) {
    const mgr = internal(this);
    if ( throw new Error(`[${}] database(s) are already initialized`);
    /** @type {typedefs.SQLEROperationResults} */
    const rslt = await operation(mgr, 'init', { returnErrors }); = true;
    if (returnErrors && rslt.errors && rslt.errors.length) {
      if ( {`Failed to initialize one or more [${}] database(s)`, ...errors);
    } else if ( {`[${}] database(s) are ready for use`);
    return rslt;

   * Composes the {@link typedefs.SQLERState} on either all the connections used by the manager or on the specified connection names.
   * @param {typedefs.SQLEROperationOptions} [opts] The {@link typedefs.SQLEROperationOptions} to use
   * @param {...String} [connNames] The connection names to perform the check on (defaults to all connections)  
   * @returns {typedefs.SQLEROperationResults} The results, each `result[connectionName]` containing the {@link typedefs.SQLERState} for the given connection
  async state(opts, ...connNames) {
    return operation(internal(this), 'state', opts, connNames);

   * Gets the number of prepared SQL functions on either all the connections used by the manager or on the specified connection names.
   * @param {...String} [connNames] The connection names to perform the check on (defaults to all connections)  
   * @returns {typedefs.SQLEROperationResults} The results, each `result[connectionName]` containing the number of generated prepared SQL functions for the given connection
  async preparedFunctionCount(...connNames) {
    return operation(internal(this), 'numOfPreparedFuncs', null, connNames);
   * Closes all database pools/connections/etc.
   * @returns {typedefs.SQLEROperationResults} The results
  async close() {
    return operation(internal(this), 'close');

   * Scans directories/subdirectories for SQL files and generates prepared functions on either all the connections used by the manager or on the specified connection names.
   * @param {Boolean} [removeOrphans=true] Truthy to remove orphaned prepared functions that no longer have an SQL file associated with them
   * @param {...String} connNames The connection names to scan for SQL files for when generating prepared functions
   * @returns {typedefs.SQLEROperationResults} The results, each `result[connectionName]` containing the number of SQL prepared functions for the given connection
   async scan(removeOrphans, ...connNames) {
    return operation(internal(this), 'scan', null, connNames, removeOrphans !== false);

   * Sets the caching mechanism that will be used that will determine the frequency of reading SQL source files. Omit the connection names to set the cache on all connections used by the manager.
   * @param {typedefs.SQLERCache} [cache] the {@link typedefs.SQLERCache} __like__ instance that will handle the logevity of the SQL statement before the SQL statement is re-read from the SQL file
   * @param {Boolean} [isTransfer] Truthy when the passed `cache` is present and any existing SQL (either cached or non-cached) should be transferred to it (if any)
   * @param {...String} connNames The connection names to set the cache for
   * @returns {typedefs.SQLEROperationResults} The results, each `result[connectionName]` containing the number of cached keys transferred for the given connection
  async setCache(cache, isTransfer, ...connNames) {
    return operation(internal(this), 'setCache', null, connNames, cache, isTransfer);

   * Gets a cache key for a given __absolute__ path to an SQL file
   * @param {String} path The __absolute__ path to the SQL file
   * @param {String} connName The connection name to get the cache key for
   * @returns {String} The cache key for the given path
  async getCacheKey(path, connName) {
    /** @type {typedefs.SQLEROperationResults} */
    const rslt = await operation(internal(this), 'getCacheKey', null, [connName], path);
    return rslt.result[connName];

   * Generates a key used for caching SQL methods
   * @param {String} dialect The database dialect
   * @param {String} connName The connection name
   * @param {String} methodName The SQL method name
   * @param {String} ext The SQL file extension
   * @returns {String} The key used for caching
  generateCacheKey(dialect, connName, methodName, ext) {
    return `${typedefs.MOD_KEY}:${dialect}:${connName}:db:${methodName}:${ext}`;

   * Duplicates a SQL statement by sequentially incrementing _named bind parameters_ by appending an increacing numeric count to each bind parameter
   * @example
   * Manager.namedBindSequence('SELECT * FROM EXAMPLE X WHERE X.A = :a AND X.B = :b AND X.C = :c', 2);
   * // produces:
   * [
   *   'SELECT * FROM EXAMPLE X WHERE X.A = :a1 AND X.B = :b1 AND X.C = :c1',
   *   'SELECT * FROM EXAMPLE X WHERE X.A = :a2 AND X.B = :b2 AND X.C = :c2'
   * ]
   * @param {String} sql The SQL statement that contains the bind names that will be sequenced
   * @param {Integer} count The total number of duplicates to make
   * @returns {String[]} The SQL statements that have been duplicated with sequentially numeric suffixes
  static namedBindSequence(sql, count) {
    const rtn = new Array(count);
    for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
      rtn[i] = sql.replace(typedefs.POS_BINDS_REGEXP, match => `${match}${i + 1}`);
    return rtn;

   * @returns {String[]} The operation types
  static get OPERATION_TYPES() {
    return typedefs.CRUD_TYPES;

   * @returns {RegExp} A regular expression that globally matches each _named bind parameters_ in a SQL statement. A single capture group is defined for each parameter name (match on entire bind name
   * syntax)
    return typedefs.POS_BINDS_REGEXP;

 * Adds a connection configuration to a manager
 * @private
 * @param {Manager} mgr The manager to add the connection to
 * @param {typedefs.SQLERConnectionOptions} conn The connection options that will be added to the manager
 * @param {Integer} [index] The index at which the connection options will be added to
 * @param {typedefs.SQLERCache} [cache] the {@link typedefs.SQLERCache} __like__ instance that will handle the logevity of the SQL statement before the SQL statement is re-read from the SQL file
 * @param {(Function | Boolean)} [logging] the `function(dbNames)` that will return a name/dialect specific `function(obj1OrMsg [, obj2OrSubst1, ..., obj2OrSubstN]))` that will handle database logging.
 * Pass `true` to use the console. Omit to disable logging altogether.
 * @param {typedefs.SQLERPrivateOptions} [priv] The private options that contain the connection credentials that should match `priv[]`. When omitted, an attempt to use the private options passed
 * into the constructor to make a `privPassedIntoConstructor[]` match.
function addConnectionToManager(mgr, conn, index, cache, logging, priv) {
  const isExpand = !index && !Number.isInteger(index);
  let idx = index, dlct;
  /** @type {typedefs.Dialect} */
  let dialect;
  /** @type {typedefs.SQLERPrivateOptions} */
  let privy;
  if (isExpand) { // expand connections
    idx =; =;
  if (! throw new Error(`Connection must have an "id" at: ${JSON.stringify(conn)}`);
  if (! throw new Error(`Connection must have have a valid "name" at: ${JSON.stringify(conn)}`);
  if (!conn.dialect || typeof conn.dialect !== 'string') throw new Error(`Connection ID ${} must have have a valid "dialect" name at: ${JSON.stringify(conn)}`);
  privy = priv ||[]; // pull host/credentials from external conf resource
  if (!privy) throw new Error(`Connection ID ${} has an "id" that cannot be found within the Manager constructor provided "conf.univ.db" at: ${JSON.stringify(conn)}`);
  privy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(privy)); // need to make a clone since additional properties will be added
  privy.privatePath =; = ||;
  dlct = conn.dialect.toLowerCase();
  if (! {
    throw new Error(`Database configuration.db.dialects does not contain an implementation definition/module for ${dlct} and connection ID ${} for host ${} at: ${JSON.stringify(conn)}`);
  if (typeof[dlct] === 'string') {
    if (/^[a-z@]/i.test([dlct]))[dlct] = require([dlct]);
    else[dlct] = require(Path.join(process.cwd(),[dlct]));
  //if (!([dlct] instanceof Dialect)) throw new Error(`Database dialect for ${dlct} is not an instance of a sqler "${}" at connection ID ${} for host ${}`);
  if (conn.log !== false && !conn.log) conn.log = [];
  if (conn.logError !== false && !conn.logError) conn.logError = [];
  if (conn.log !== false) {
    let ltags = [...conn.log, typedefs.MOD_KEY, 'db',, dlct, conn.service,, `v${conn.version || 0}`];
    conn.logging = logging === true ? Utils.generateLogger(console.log, ltags) : logging && logging(ltags); // override dialect non-error logging
  if (conn.logError !== false) {
    let ltags = [...conn.logError, typedefs.MOD_KEY, 'db',, dlct, conn.service,, `v${conn.version || 0}`];
    conn.errorLogging = logging === true ? Utils.generateLogger(console.error, ltags) : logging && logging(ltags); // override dialect error logging
  dialect = new[dlct](privy, conn,, conn.errorLogging || false, conn.logging || false, || false);
  // prepared SQL functions from file(s) that reside under the defined name and dialect (or "default" when dialect is flagged accordingly)
  if (mgr.this[typedefs.NS][]) throw new Error(`Database connection ID ${} cannot have a duplicate name for ${}`);
  //if (reserved.includes( throw new Error(`Database connection name ${} for ID ${} cannot be one of the following reserved names: ${reserved}`);[idx] = new SQLS(typedefs.NS,, cache, conn, (mgr.this[typedefs.NS][] = {}), new DBS(dialect, conn), mgr.this.generateCacheKey.bind(mgr.this));[idx] =;

 * Executes one or more functions that reside on an {@link SQLS} instance
 * @private
 * @param {Manager} mgr The _internal_/private {@link Manager} store
 * @param {String} funcName The async function name to call (or property name to get) on each {@link SQLS} instance 
 * @param {typedefs.SQLEROperationOptions} [opts] The {@link typedefs.SQLEROperationOptions} to use
 * @param {String[]} [connNames] The connection names to perform the opearion on (defaults to all connections)
 * @param {...any} [args] The arguments to pass into the function being called on the {@link SQLS} instance
 * @returns {typedefs.SQLEROperationResults} The results
async function operation(mgr, funcName, opts, connNames, ...args) {
  opts = opts || {};
  const cnl = (connNames && connNames.length) || 0;
  const ax = new Asynchro({}, opts.returnErrors ? false : true);
  const queue = sqli => {
    const func = (...args) => {
      const rtn = typeof sqli[funcName] === 'function' ? sqli[funcName](...args) : sqli[funcName];
      return rtn instanceof Promise ? rtn : Promise.resolve(rtn);
    const name = sqli.connectionName;
    const hasConnOpts = opts.connections && opts.connections[name] && typeof opts.connections[name] === 'object';
    const hasSeriesOverride = hasConnOpts && opts.connections[name].hasOwnProperty('executeInSeries');
    const hasErrorOverride = hasConnOpts && opts.connections[name].hasOwnProperty('returnErrors');
    const throws = hasErrorOverride && opts.connections[name].returnErrors ? false : true;
    if (hasSeriesOverride ? opts.connections[name].executeInSeries : opts.executeInSeries) {
      if (hasErrorOverride) ax.seriesThrowOverride(name, throws, func, ...args);
      else ax.series(name, func, ...args);
    } else {
      if (hasErrorOverride) ax.parallelThrowOverride(name, throws, func, ...args);
      else ax.parallel(name, func, ...args);
  for (let i = 0, l =; i < l; ++i) {
    if (funcName === 'init' &&[i].isInitialized &&[i].isPrepared) continue;
    if (cnl) {
      if (!connNames.includes([i].connectionName)) continue;
    } else {
  const result = await;
  /** @type {typedefs.SQLEROperationResults} */
  const rtn = { result, errors: ax.errors };
  return rtn;

module.exports = Object.freeze({ Manager, Dialect, typedefs });

// private mapping
let map = new WeakMap();
let internal = function (object) {
  if (!map.has(object)) {
    map.set(object, {});
  return {
    at: map.get(object),
    this: object

9.0.0 (2021-08-18)

Full Changelog

Breaking Changes:
