'use strict';
* MSSQL {@link Dialect} implementation for [`sqler`](https://ugate.github.io/sqler/).
* Typically, an application will not have to directly interact with the dialect. All API interactions will take place using the {@link Manager}
* interface that resides within the [`sqler`](https://ugate.github.io/sqler/) module.
module.exports = class MSDialect {
* Constructor
* @constructs MSDialect
* @param {SQLERPrivateOptions} priv The private configuration options
* @param {MSConnectionOptions} connConf The individual SQL __connection__ configuration for the given dialect that was passed into the originating {@link Manager}
* @param {SQLERTrack} track Container for sharing data between {@link Dialect} instances.
* @param {Function} [errorLogger] A function that takes one or more arguments and logs the results as an error (similar to `console.error`)
* @param {Function} [logger] A function that takes one or more arguments and logs the results (similar to `console.log`)
* @param {Boolean} [debug] A flag that indicates the dialect should be run in debug mode (if supported)
constructor(priv, connConf, track, errorLogger, logger, debug) {
const dopts = connConf.driverOptions || {};
const dlt = internal(this);
dlt.at.track = track;
dlt.at.driver = require('mssql');
dlt.at.txs = new Map();
dlt.at.stmts = new Map();
dlt.at.pends = [];
dlt.at.iop = new Map();
dlt.at.opts = {
autoCommit: true, // default autoCommit = true to conform to sqler
id: `sqlerMSSQLGen${Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000)}`,
connection: dopts.connection ? dlt.at.track.interpolate({}, dopts.connection, dlt.at.driver) : {}
// sqler compatible state
dlt.at.state = {
pending: 0
dlt.at.errorLogger = errorLogger;
dlt.at.logger = logger;
dlt.at.debug = debug;
// connection
if (priv.host) dlt.at.opts.connection.server = priv.host;
if (!dlt.at.opts.connection.server) {
// default for compatibility
dlt.at.opts.connection.server = 'localhost';
if (priv.hasOwnProperty('port')) dlt.at.opts.connection.port = priv.port;
dlt.at.opts.connection.user = priv.username;
dlt.at.opts.connection.password = priv.password;
// connection pool
if (!dlt.at.opts.connection.pool) dlt.at.opts.connection.pool = {};
if (connConf.pool) {
if (connConf.pool.hasOwnProperty('min')) dlt.at.opts.connection.pool.min = connConf.pool.min;
if (connConf.pool.hasOwnProperty('max')) dlt.at.opts.connection.pool.max = connConf.pool.max;
if (connConf.pool.hasOwnProperty('idle')) dlt.at.opts.connection.pool.idleTimeoutMillis = connConf.pool.idle;
// if (connConf.pool.hasOwnProperty('increment')) dlt.at.opts.connection.pool.incrementSize = connConf.pool.increment; // not supported
// connectionTimeout is on "opts.connection" as of version >= 7 rather than on "opts.connection.pool"
// if (connConf.pool.hasOwnProperty('timeout')) dlt.at.opts.connection.pool.connectionTimeout = connConf.pool.timeout;
if (connConf.pool.hasOwnProperty('timeout')) dlt.at.opts.connection.connectionTimeout = connConf.pool.timeout;
* Initializes {@link MSDialect} by creating the connection pool
* @param {Dialect~DialectInitOptions} opts The options described by the `sqler` module
* @returns {Object} The MSSQL connection pool
async init(opts) {
const dlt = internal(this), numSql = opts.numOfPreparedFuncs;
try {
dlt.at.pool = new dlt.at.driver.ConnectionPool(dlt.at.opts.connection);
if (dlt.at.logger) {
dlt.at.logger(`sqler-mssql: Connection pool "${dlt.at.opts.id}" created with (${numSql} SQL files) ` +
`max=${dlt.at.opts.connection.pool.max} min=${dlt.at.opts.connection.pool.min} ` +
`idleTimeoutMillis=${dlt.at.opts.connection.pool.idleTimeoutMillis} ` +
dlt.at.pool.on('error', err => {
if (dlt.at.errorLogger) {
dlt.at.errorLogger(`sqler-mssql: Connection pool emitted error "${err.message}"`, err);
await dlt.at.pool.connect();
return dlt.at.pool;
} catch (err) {
const msg = `sqler-mssql: connection pool "${dlt.at.opts.id}" could not be created`;
if (dlt.at.errorLogger) {
dlt.at.errorLogger(`${msg} (passwords are omitted from error) ${JSON.stringify(err, null, ' ')}`);
const pconf = Object.assign({}, dlt.at.opts.connection);
delete pconf.password;
err.message = `${err.message}\n${msg} for ${JSON.stringify(pconf, null, ' ')}`;
err.sqlerMSSQL = pconf;
throw err;
* Begins a transaction by opening a connection from the pool
* @param {String} txId The transaction ID that will be started
* @param {MSTransactionOptions} opts The transaction options
* @returns {SQLERTransaction} The transaction
async beginTransaction(txId, opts) {
const dlt = internal(this);
/** @type {MSTransactionOptions} */
const topts = dlt.at.track.interpolate({}, opts, dlt.at.driver.ISOLATION_LEVEL);
if (dlt.at.logger) {
dlt.at.logger(`sqler-mssql: Beginning transaction "${txId}" on connection pool "${dlt.at.opts.id}" with transaction options:\n${
/** @type {MSPlan} */
const plan = await dlt.this.planner({
transactionId: txId,
isolationLevel: topts.isolationLevel
return plan.txo.tx;
* Executes a SQL statement
* @param {String} sql the SQL to execute
* @param {MSExecOptions} opts The execution options
* @param {String[]} frags The frament keys within the SQL that will be retained
* @param {SQLERExecMeta} meta The SQL execution metadata
* @param {(SQLERExecErrorOptions | Boolean)} [errorOpts] The error options to use
* @returns {Dialect~ExecResults} The execution results
async exec(sql, opts, frags, meta, errorOpts) {
const dlt = internal(this);
let plan, bndp = {}, bnds = [], inputBindTypes, outputBindTypes, esql = sql, rslts;
try {
// interpolate and remove unused binds since
// MSSQL only accepts the exact number of bind parameters (also, cuts down on payload bloat)
bndp = dlt.at.track.interpolate(bndp, opts.binds, dlt.at.driver, props => sql.includes(`:${props[0]}`));
inputBindTypes = opts.driverOptions && opts.driverOptions.inputBindTypes ?
dlt.at.track.interpolate({}, opts.driverOptions.inputBindTypes, dlt.at.driver)
: null;
outputBindTypes = opts.driverOptions && opts.driverOptions.outputBindTypes ?
dlt.at.track.interpolate({}, opts.driverOptions.outputBindTypes, dlt.at.driver)
: null;
// input/output types are globally set for a statement rather than on each prepared statement instance
// so, they have to be kept track of on a SQL/meta path basis to prevent dupication errors
let iop = (inputBindTypes || outputBindTypes) && dlt.at.iop.get(meta.path);
if ((inputBindTypes || outputBindTypes) && !iop) {
dlt.at.iop.set(meta.path, iop = {
inputs: new Map(),
outputs: new Map()
const rtn = {};
plan = await dlt.this.planner(opts, meta);
const bnames = plan.stmt ? null : [];const ddd = Math.random();
// mssql expects the format: @paramName
esql = dlt.at.track.positionalBinds(esql, bndp, bnds, (name, index) => {
// mssqsl input/bind parameters
const inputType = inputBindTypes && inputBindTypes[name];
if (plan.stmt && !iop.inputs.has(name)) {
if (!inputType) {
throw new Error(`Prepared statements require a "execOpts.driverOptions.inputBindTypes" to be set for bind variable ` +
`"${name}" for SQL "${meta.name}"`);
plan.stmt.ps.input(name, inputType);
iop.inputs.set(name, inputType);
} else if (!plan.stmt && !bnames.includes(name)) {
if (inputType) plan.req.input(name, inputType, bndp[name]);
else plan.req.input(name, bndp[name]);
return `@${name}`;
// output types
for (let name in outputBindTypes) {
if (plan.stmt && !iop.outputs.has(name)) {
plan.stmt.ps.output(name, outputBindTypes[name]);
iop.outputs.set(name, outputBindTypes[name]);
} else if (!plan.stmt) {
plan.req.output(name, outputBindTypes[name]);
rslts = await plan.run(esql);
rtn.rows = rslts.recordset;
rtn.raw = rslts;
const unprepare = plan.stmt ? async () => {
if (dlt.at.stmts.has(meta.path)) {
await dlt.at.stmts.get(meta.path).ps.unprepare();
} : null;
if (unprepare) rtn.unprepare = unprepare;
if (plan.txo && plan.txo.msTx) {
if (rtn.unprepare) {
plan.txo.unprepares = plan.txo.unprepares || new Map();
plan.txo.unprepares.set(meta.path, rtn.unprepare); // keep track of the prepared statements that have transaction scope
if (opts.autoCommit) {
await plan.txo.tx.commit();
} else {
return rtn;
} catch (err) {
if (dlt.at.errorLogger) {
dlt.at.errorLogger(`Failed to execute the following SQL at ${meta.path}:\n${sql}`, err);
err.sqler = {
mssql: esql,
throw err;
* Gets the currently open execution plan or generates a new execution plan
* (ensures transactions are ran in _series_ , even when user execution is in _parallel_)
* @protected
* @param {MSExecOptions} opts The execution options
* @param {SQLERExecMeta} [meta] Pass meta to establish a connection
* @returns {MSPlan} The execution plan
async planner(opts, meta) {
const dlt = internal(this);
const txId = opts.transactionId;
/** @type {MSPlan} */
const plan = {
txo: txId ? dlt.at.txs.get(txId) : null
if (txId && !plan.txo) {
plan.txo = {
tx: {
id: txId,
state: Object.seal({
isCommitted: false,
isRolledback: false,
pending: 0
msTx: dlt.at.pool.transaction()
await plan.txo.msTx.begin(opts.isolationLevel);
plan.txo.tx.commit = operation(dlt, 'commit', true, plan.txo, opts, 'unprepare');
plan.txo.tx.rollback = operation(dlt, 'rollback', true, plan.txo, opts, 'unprepare');
dlt.at.txs.set(plan.txo.tx.id, plan.txo);
if (!meta) return plan; // just initializing
if (opts.prepareStatement) {
plan.stmt = dlt.at.stmts.get(meta.path);
if (plan.stmt) {
let psErr;
if (plan.stmt.txId && (!plan.txo || !plan.txo.msTx)) {
psErr = new Error(`Prepared statement "${meta.path}" is already prepared within transaction "${plan.stmt.txId}".` +
` Either include the "transactionId" along with the current "prepareStatement = true" or call ` +
`"unprepare" on the previous execution result before calling "${meta.path}" w/o a transaction.`);
psErr.name = 'TransactionInProgressError';
} else if (!plan.stmt.txId && plan.txo && plan.txo.msTx) {
psErr = new Error(`Prepared statement "${meta.path}" is already prepared OUTSIDE of a transaction` +
`, yet is currently being called within "transactionId = '${plan.txo.tx.id}'". Either include the "transactionId"` +
` along side the original "prepareStatement = true" or call "unprepare", "commit" or "rollback" on the` +
` previous execution result before calling "${meta.path}" with "transactionId = '${plan.txo.tx.id}'".`);
psErr.name = 'TransactionNotInProgressError';
} else if (plan.stmt.txId && plan.txo && plan.stmt.txId !== plan.txo.tx.id) {
psErr = new Error(`Prepared statement "${meta.path}" is already prepared using "transactionId = '${plan.stmt.txId}'` +
`, yet is currently being called with "transactionId = '${plan.txo.tx.id}'". Either include the same "transactionId"` +
` along side the all of the SQL function calls using "prepareStatement = true" or call "unprepare", "commit"` +
` or "rollback" on the previous execution result before calling "${meta.path}" with "transactionId = '${plan.txo.tx.id}'".`);
psErr.name = 'TransactionMismatchError';
if (psErr) throw psErr;
} else {
dlt.at.stmts.set(meta.path, plan.stmt = {
ps: new dlt.at.driver.PreparedStatement((plan.txo && plan.txo.msTx) || dlt.at.pool)
} else if (plan.txo && plan.txo.tx.id) {
plan.req = plan.txo.msTx.request();
} else {
plan.req = dlt.at.pool.request();
// mssql ver >= 4 will not queue requests, need to manage them
plan.run = async (sql) => {
if (dlt.at.pends.length) await Promise.all(dlt.at.pends);
let prom;
if (plan.stmt) {
prom = new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
try {
if (!plan.stmt.preparePromise) {
plan.stmt.preparePromise = plan.stmt.ps.prepare(sql);
await plan.stmt.preparePromise;
resolve(await plan.stmt.ps.execute(sql));
} catch (err) { // may contain: err.precedingErrors
} else {
prom = plan.req.query(sql);
dlt.at.pends.push(prom); // run in series for tx
return prom.then(val => {
const idx = dlt.at.pends.indexOf(prom);
if (idx >= 0) dlt.at.pends.splice(idx, 1);
return val;
}, err => {
const idx = dlt.at.pends.indexOf(prom);
if (idx >= 0) dlt.at.pends.splice(idx, 1);
throw err;
return plan;
* Closes the MSSQL connection pool
* @returns {Integer} The number of connections closed
async close() {
const dlt = internal(this);
let error;
try {
if (dlt.at.logger) {
dlt.at.logger(`sqler-mssql: Closing connection pool "${dlt.at.opts.id}" (uncommitted transactions: ${dlt.at.state.pending})`);
if (dlt.at.pool) {
await dlt.at.pool.close();
} catch (err) {
error = err;
if (dlt.at.errorLogger) {
dlt.at.errorLogger(`sqler-mssql: Failed to close connection pool "${dlt.at.opts.id}" (uncommitted transactions: ${dlt.at.state.pending})`, err);
if (error) throw error;
return dlt.at.state.pending;
* @returns {SQLERState} The state
get state() {
const dlt = internal(this);
// mssql uses https://www.npmjs.com/package/tarn
const pooled = dlt.at.pool;
// mssql version >= 5.x:
// pooled.pool.size -> pooled.size
// pooled.pool.available -> pooled.available
// pooled.pool.pending -> pooled.pending
// pooled.pool.borrowed -> pooled.borrowed
// pooled.pool.min
// pooled.pool.max
// pooled.used && pooled.used.length
return {
connection: {
count: (pooled && pooled.pool && pooled.pool.max) || 0,
inUse: ((pooled && pooled.pending) || 0) + ((pooled && pooled.borrowed) || 0)
pending: dlt.at.state.pending
* @protected
* @returns {Object} The MSSQL driver module
get driver() {
return internal(this).at.driver;
* Executes a function by name that resides on the vendor transaction
* @private
* @param {Object} dlt The internal dialect object instance
* @param {String} name The name of the function that will be called on the transaction
* @param {Boolean} reset Truthy to reset the pending transaction count when the operation completes successfully
* @param {MSTransactionObject} txo The transaction object
* @param {SQLERExecOptions} [opts] The {@link SQLERExecOptions}
* @param {String} [preop] An operation name that will be performed before the actual operation. The following values are valid:
* 1. __`unprepare`__ - Any un-prepare functions that are associated with the passed {@link MSTransactionObject} will be executed.
* @returns {Function} A no-arguement `async` function that returns the number or pending transactions
function operation(dlt, name, reset, txo, opts, preop) {
return async () => {
let ierr;
if (preop === 'unprepare') {
if (txo.unprepares) {
for (let [ psname, unprepare ] of txo.unprepares) {
if (dlt.at.logger) {
dlt.at.logger(`sqler-mssql: Unpreparing prepared statement "${psname}"`);
await unprepare();
try {
if (dlt.at.logger) {
dlt.at.logger(`sqler-mssql: Performing ${name} on transaction "${txo.tx.id}" (uncommitted transactions: ${dlt.at.state.pending})`);
await txo.msTx[name]();
if (reset) { // not to be confused with pg connection.reset();
dlt.at.state.pending = 0;
} catch (err) {
ierr = err;
if (dlt.at.errorLogger) {
dlt.at.errorLogger(`sqler-mssql: Failed to ${name} ${dlt.at.state.pending} transaction(s) with options: ${
opts ? JSON.stringify(opts) : 'N/A'}`, ierr);
throw ierr;
return dlt.at.state.pending;
// private mapping
let map = new WeakMap();
let internal = function(object) {
if (!map.has(object)) {
map.set(object, {});
return {
at: map.get(object),
this: object
* MSSQL specific extension of the {@link SQLERConnectionOptions} from the [`sqler`](https://ugate.github.io/sqler/) module.
* @typedef {SQLERConnectionOptions} MSConnectionOptions
* @property {Object} driverOptions The `mssql` module specific options. __Both `client` and `pool` will be merged when generating the connection pool.__
* @property {Object} [driverOptions.connection] An object that will contain properties/values that will be used to construct the MSSQL connections
* (e.g. `{ database: 'mydb', requestTimeout: 10000 }`). See the `mssql` module documentation for a full listing of available connection options.
* When a property value is a string surrounded by `${}`, it will be assumed to be a property that resides on either the {@link SQLERPrivateOptions}
* passed into the {@link Manager} constructor or a property on the {@link MSConnectionOptions} itself (in that order of precedence). For example,
* `connOpts.host = ''` and `driverOptions.connection.host = '${host}'` would be interpolated into `driverOptions.connection.host = ''`.
* In contrast to `privOpts.username = 'someUsername' and `driverOptions.connection.user = '${username}'` would be interpolated into
* `driverOptions.connection.user = 'someUsername'`. Also, any other interpolated values will be assumed to be a _constant_ property that resides on the
* `mssql` module and will be interpolated accordingly.
* For example `driverOptions.connection.pool.someProp = '${SOME_MSSQL_CONSTANT}'` will be interpolated as `pool.someProp = mssql.SOME_MSSQL_CONSTANT`.
* __Using any of the generic `pool.someOption` will override the `conf` options set on `driverOptions.connection.pool`__ (e.g. `pool.max = 10` would override
* `driverOptions.connection.pool.max = 20`).
* MSSQL specific extension of the {@link SQLERExecOptions} from the [`sqler`](https://ugate.github.io/sqler/) module. When a property of `binds`
* contains an object it will be _interpolated_ for property values on the `mssql` module.
* For example, `binds.name = '${SOME_MSSQL_CONSTANT}'` will be interpolated as `binds.name = mssql.SOME_MSSQL_CONSTANT`.
* @typedef {SQLERExecOptions} MSExecOptions
* @property {Object} [driverOptions] The `mssql` module specific options pertaining executions
* @property {Object} [driverOptions.inputBindTypes] An object that contains properties that match the bind parameter names. Each property should contain a value
* that corresponds to a `mssql` module specific bind type. Each bind type will result in a call to either `mssql.Request.input`, `mssql.PreparedStatement.input`.
* __When using `preparedStatement = true`, input bind types are required.__
* When a property value is a string surrounded by `${}`, it will be assumed to be a property that resides on the `mssql` module itself. For example,
* `driverOptions.inputBindTypes.name = '${VarChar}'` would be interpolated into `driverOptions.inputBindTypes.name = mssql.VarChar`.
* @property {Object} [driverOptions.outputBindTypes] An object that contains properties that match the bind parameter names. Each property should contain a value
* that corresponds to a `mssql` module specific bind type. Each bind type will result in a call to either `mssql.Request.output`, `mssql.PreparedStatement.output`.
* When a property value is a string surrounded by `${}`, it will be assumed to be a property that resides on the `mssql` module itself. For example,
* `driverOptions.outputBindTypes.name = '${VarChar}'` would be interpolated into `driverOptions.outputBindTypes.name = mssql.VarChar`.
* @typedef {SQLERTransactionOptions} MSTransactionOptions
* @property {Object} [driverOptions] The `mssql` module specific options pertaining to transations
* @property {String} [driverOptions.isolationLevel] Controls the locking and row versioning behavior of MSSQL statements issued by a connection.
* When a property value is a string surrounded by `${}`, it will be assumed to be a _constant_ property that resides on the `mssql` module within
* `mssql.ISOLATION_LEVEL` and will be interpolated accordingly.
* For example `driverOptions.isolationLevel = ${SERIALIZABLE}` will be interpolated to `driverOptions.isolationLevel = mssql.ISOLATION_LEVEL.SERIALIZABLE`.
* Transactions are wrapped in a parent transaction object so private properties can be added
* @typedef {Object} MSTransactionObject
* @property {SQLERTransaction} tx The transaction
* @property {Obejct} msTx The MSSQL transaction
* Prepared statements are wrapped in a parent prepared statement object so private properties can be added
* @typedef {Object} MSPreparedStatement
* @property {Object} ps The MSSQL prepared statement
* @property {String} [txId] The transaction that the prepared statement is participating in (if any)
* Transactions are wrapped in a parent transaction object so private properties can be added
* @typedef {Object} MSPlan
* @property {MSTransactionObject} [txo] The transaction object
* @property {MSPreparedStatement} [stmt] The prepared statement object (undefined when none)
* @property {Object} [req] The MSSQL request (undefined when using only prepared statement(s))
* @property {MSPlanRunner} [run] The SQL executor for the plan
* Will either _prepare_/_execute_ the passed SQL or _query_ the passed SQL
* @callback {Function} MSPlanRunner
* @async
* @param {String} sql The SQL statement that contains the bind parameters