#!/usr/bin/env node
* Command line `cli` for `jsdocp`.
* <br/>__Command Line Options:__
* - `-D` (or `--deploy`): Attempts to deploy the generated `jsdoc` to the configured deployment branch
* @example
* jsdocp ./jsdocp/jsdoc.conf
* @example
* jsdocp -D ./jsdocp/jsdoc.conf
* @example
* jsdocp --deploy ./jsdocp/jsdoc.conf
* @module jsdocp
const jsdocp = require('./index');
const argv = process.argv.slice(2);
var deploy, confPth;
for (let arg of argv) {
if (arg.toUpperCase() === '-D' || arg.toUpperCase() === '--deploy') deploy = true;
else if (!confPth) confPth = arg;
if (!confPth) throw new Error('A path to the jsdocp options JSON file must be present');
(async () => {
try {
await jsdocp(confPth, deploy);
} catch (err) {